Truvizo facts for Yuma, AZ
Yuma is home to many industries. Yuma is most known for its abundant agriculture, military defense, tourism, manufacturing, and renewable energy.
Yuma, known as America’s winter lettuce capital, produces over 90% of the lettuce, as well as citrus, and many cruciferous vegetables for the United States every winter.

Average price per square foot
Retail $13.25
office $20.15
Industrial $7.20

When it comes to opening a business or investing in commercial real estate, the importance of demographics is often underestimated. The following demographics should always be considered when evaluating a property:
- Population density
- Median home values
- Household income
- Education levels
- Average age and genders
- Number of households
- Traffic counts
Population 212,000
Avg. Home Value $162,000
Avg. Age 31
Avg HH Income $47,848