Truvizo facts for Scottsdale, AZ
Scottsdale is internationally known for fine resorts and spas, award-winning restaurants, superior shopping, art galleries, designer golf courses, ritzy night clubs, and country club living.
Scottsdale generally has an upscale reputation, and as such is the address that many people would like to have on their mail. There are over 50,000 people being employed within a few-mile radius of the Scottsdale airport, these include financial, retail, service, technological, design and manufacturing fields.

Average price per square foot
Retail $24.42
office $26.27
Industrial $12.61

When it comes to opening a business or investing in commercial real estate, the importance of demographics is often underestimated. The following demographics should always be considered when evaluating a property:
- Population density
- Median home values
- Household income
- Education levels
- Average age and genders
- Number of households
- Traffic counts
Population 255,310
Avg. Home Value $532,275
Avg. Age 46
Avg HH Income $84,601