Truvizo facts for Prescott, AZ
Prescott is home to the downtown historical area known as Whiskey Row. Adjacent to Whiskey Row, was the downtown courthouse. Other private companies provide airport shuttles to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.
The economy of Prescott employs 1,460 people. The largest industries in Prescott are health care, social assistance, retail trade, and educational services.
The highest paying industries are utilities, agriculture, forestry, and fishing & hunting.

Average price per square foot
Retail $15.76
office $13.90
Industrial $7.80

When it comes to opening a business or investing in commercial real estate, the importance of demographics is often underestimated. The following demographics should always be considered when evaluating a property:
- Population density
- Median home values
- Household income
- Education levels
- Average age and genders
- Number of households
- Traffic counts
Population 42,068
Avg. Home Value $373,400
Avg. Age 56
Avg HH Income $45,190