Truvizo facts for Goodyear, AZ
Goodyear is a valley leader in providing great opportunities for businesses and families to achieve their full potential. Numerous Fortune 500 companies have chosen Goodyear, including: Amazon, Ball Corporation, Darden Restaurants,
Dick's Sporting Goods, Microsoft, Nike, UPS.
The other industrial zones in Goodyear have a variety of users, from advanced manufacturing at the Ball Corporation or Huhtamaki plants, to warehouse and logistics facilities for Macy’s – Bloomingdale’s, REI, United Parcel Service and

Average price per square foot
Retail $15.25
office $26.82
Industrial $4.75

When it comes to opening a business or investing in commercial real estate, the importance of demographics is often underestimated. The following demographics should always be considered when evaluating a property:
- Population density
- Median home values
- Household income
- Education levels
- Average age and genders
- Number of households
- Traffic counts
Population 82,835
Avg. Home Value $337,987
Avg. Age 37
Avg HH Income $70,293