Truvizo facts for Casa Grande, AZ
Casa Grande is a city in Pinal County, approximately halfway between Phoenix and Tucson in the U.S. state of Arizona.
Casa Grande is a dynamic, progressive city with a rural heritage and hometown appeal. Its economic base is a mix of manufacturing, health care, agriculture, logistics and retail.
Casa Grande’s location, infrastructure, and access to a highly skilled workforce are some of the major reasons why companies such as Abbott Nutrition, Frito-Lay, Hexcel, ACO Polymer, Daisy Brand, and most recently Lucid Motors and Attesa have chosen to locate/build here.

Average price per square foot
Retail $15.43
office $13.40
Industrial $7.52

When it comes to opening a business or investing in commercial real estate, the importance of demographics is often underestimated. The following demographics should always be considered when evaluating a property:
- Population density
- Median home values
- Household income
- Education levels
- Average age and genders
- Number of households
- Traffic counts
Population 57,232
Avg. Home Value $224,700
Avg. Age 36
Avg HH Income $46,357